Buttery Guava Biscuit Recipe

Buttery Guava Biscuit Recipe

The guava butter biscuit is a classic not only in Brazilian recipes but also in other countries in South America - with the difference that in them the guava paste is replaced by marmalade (a consistent jelly made with quince fruit). These homemade biscuits are ideal to accompany morning coffee or afternoon tea!

There are many versions of the guava butter biscuit recipe, with the simple preparation in common. Here at TudoReceitas I show you how to make buttery guava biscuits with wheat and sugar, that is, without cornstarch and without condensed milk. The way of preparation is so simple that the children at home can help make it! Check out the ingredients below and the step-by-step photos.

Ingredients for making buttery guava biscuit:

 2 cups of wheat flour (280 grams)

 ¾ cup of cold butter

 ¾ cup of sugar (120 grams)

 1 egg

 1 egg yolk

 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence

 1 teaspoon of chemical yeast

 lemon zest

 200 grams of guava

How to make buttery guava biscuit:

Cut the butter into cubes and place it in a bowl with the sugar, half a lemon zest and vanilla essence. Beat until these ingredients are well mixed - the mixture should look like a farofa, as in the photo.

Add egg and yolk to bowl and mix. Then add the sifted flour along with the yeast and mix everything with your hands to form a consistent, soft dough.

Once you get a soft dough with all the ingredients well incorporated, wrap it in plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Tip: Preheat the oven to 180ÂșC (medium oven).

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, unwrap it, shape it into a cylinder with the diameter you want and cut into slices approximately 1 cm thick. Place each of these slices on a greased baking sheet or covered with parchment paper.

When you have all the cookie dough pieces on the baking sheet, press the center of each with your thumb and place a small guava cube.

Take the plain guava butter biscuit to bake in the oven at 180°C for approximately 15-20 minutes, or until the dough is lightly browned and the guava paste melts. Remove, let cool a little and serve warm or cold. Enjoy your food!

Did you like this classic recipe? Leave a comment below and also check out how to make these homemade cookie recipes:

Buttered cornstarch biscuit with guava

Ammonia Salt Cracker

Banana Biscuit with Oat Fit

If you liked the guava butter biscuit recipe, we suggest you enter our Biscuit Recipes category. You can also visit a list of the best Brazilian recipes. You may be interested to read about the liver and eggs blogpost/ chestnut cookies recipe/ strawberry cheesecake slice recipe/ golden honey recipe/ Moroccan lentil salad recipe.


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